When to use Capital Letters
When to use Capital Letters
Proper Nouns (the names of persons, places, countries, rivers etc.)
The names of the days and months. e.g. . Wednesday, February.
The names of religions. e.g. Islam, Muslim, Hindu, Hinduism.
The names of languages. e.g. Urdu, Hindi, Arabic, French.
Any word made from the name of a country. e.g. Pakistani, Frenchman.
The names of races of people. e.g. the English, the French, the Dutch.
The first letter inside inverted commas. e.g. I said to him, "Go away".
The important words in the title of a book, film or story. e.g. I saw a film called 'The King and the Robbers'.
The titles of persons. e.g. the President of Pakistan, the Shah of Iran.
The first letter in a line of poetry.